Charles Brooking

Interest in the

Charles Brooking Collection

of Architectural Detail starts

to take momentum

Charles Brooking is a fascinating and knowledgeable collector of architectural detail, The Brooking Collection of Architectural Detail, and as a Chartered Surveyor we find his lifelong quest to collect British building details unique, informative and valuable and a collection that must be kept intact for years to come. If you need help and advice with regard to building surveys, structural surveys, structural reports, engineers reports, specific defects report, dilapidations or any other property matters please free phone 0800 298 5424.

The following is one of a series of interviews with Charles Brooking, Historic and Listed Buildings Detail Expert, The Brooking Collection of Architectural Detail and a Chartered Surveyor where we have recorded his comments and various aspects that have affected windows and doors and other collectibles. The interviews outline how his collection started and built over the years and gives an insight into the amazing architectural features housed in his fine collection.

Chartered Surveyor: When did interest increase in the Charles Brooking Collection of Architectural Detail?

Charles Brooking: Interest in my work increased when I had an article in the Architects Journal in 1977. I had written to the contributing editor of Architect's Journal Dan Cruickshank and he mentioned architectural salvage in the Architects Journal; he talked about it in an article. I wrote to him and he invited me to the offices of the Architectural Press and they said they would do a feature on the museum. He came to see me, they did a small piece on the museum in 1977and that led to other articles, which led, to cut a long story short, in 1981 to a television programme called Collecting Now, directed by Jenny Burrows, who had approached me.


Dan Cruickshank

Dan Cruickshank is one of the leading architectural historians in the country now, but back then he worked for the Architects Journal in London. Dan is well known for his book The Art of Georgian Building and is also known for his television work with architectural programmes such as One Foot in the Past and The House Detectives.

The Art of Georgian Building

The Art of Georgian Building by Dan Cruickshank is a study of London 's town houses from 1700 to 1821 which is said to be the greatest period of British architecture and is published by The Architectural Press.

Chartered Surveyor: Which television channel was Collecting Now aired on?

Charles Brooking : Collecting Now was broadcast on BBC2 and it was a great success. I was very nervous, sitting there clenching my hands, stuttering and looking awkward; my fat lips and gorky glasses, I looked awful! I look back at it now and think I was so tongue-tied, just to think of it now makes me tongue-tied. However the publicity was welcomed and spreading the word of my rescuing architectural detail spurred more interest in my collection.

Rescue defined


Charles Brooking defines a rescue as saving a window or door or staircase that would be doomed.

Charles Brooking was a pioneer in the rescue of architectural detailing as many years ago it was very much considered a strange and an unusual past time to want to rescue old parts of buildings with everything new and shiny being so important.

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